Sunday, April 6, 2008

Chase is Blessed

Ok, I have some catching up to do. Last weekend Chase was blessed and Todd gave him a wonderful blessing. I now feel a lot of pressure to make sure he lives up to all he was blessed to do. There was a long list. If only it worked that way. We had both sets of parents here and also my brother Sam showed up at the last minute. We had a very lazy weekend and mostly hung out inside playing, talking and eating. Oh yeah, and my Mom brought "I am Legend," with her for us to watch. Apparently it is her favorite movie of all time and she wanted us all to watch it with her. I was a little confused as scary night people popping out of dark buildings and feeding off of humans typically isn't her style. Whatever floats your boat Mom! I was sad when the weekend was over and the family left us. My boys love their grandparents so much and as we drove away from the airport Toby was already complaining about how much he missed Nana and wanted her to stay with us forever. I'm glad our boys already have such a sweet relationship with them all. And of course Sam won them over by throwing them around for a couple of days, like Uncles should do. Here is the picture recap of our blessing weekend.


megan said...

My favorites--your dad with Chase and with Ben. Chase looks so grown up and the one with Ben is hilarious! Ah, we love you guys. Landon has now named us Team Palmer-Harris. I hope you don't mind.

Ann said...

Been waiting and watching for the update. We so enjoyed our short weekend with all of your family. I am so thankful that all of our grandchildren have grandparents on both sides who love love love them!

shel7by said...

such a cute family, ash. Like me, you'll never get a lot of family at gatherings because you live somewhere "else". Their loss!! Your kids have the best grandparents - I know first hand.

Nancy said...

I recommend that wonderful movie to all who love to be scared, irritated,repulsed and bored. It is on my top ten list of "Movies to Walk Out On" and my top three "Now Why In the World Did I Buy This Flick?" list. Ashley, you stole my thunder with your picts since I was so slow in posting. Thanks for the nice things you said and the great hostess yo were. Thanks, Shelby, also.

Jeff and Kandis said...

Sooo cute! I love the picture of your dad and son sleeping together. So cute! frame that one.

Kimberly said...

I see Todd's siblings didn't even warrant a guilt trip. Everyone else can use the "we live too far away" excuse except us, I guess. Thanks, Sam, for making us look bad. =)

P.S. We are so glad you're going to join us in NY for Todd's birthday weekend! We can't wait to see you and meet Chase!!

Brooke said...

Oh man... I already miss the 4 parents. You guys both have such awesome parents.