Saturday, May 23, 2009


Todd thought I should post my most recent run in with a lady on the sidewalk. I should probably start a separate blog solely for that. But a lady was annoyed and shook her head as she passed Ben on his scooter next to the park today and so as I walked by I simply asked, "What's your problem lady?" To which she replied in her huffiest voice, "I broke my ankle and I just think people should be more careful around me!"
The guy sitting on the bench right there laughed out loud to hear her say this. It just shows how self-centered can be to think that every person on the streets of NY should be careful when walking next to her because at some point in her life she broke her ankle. We had a good laugh.

I'll let you know when I start my "Really?!" Seth on SNL during the Weekend Update.


Ann said...

And just when I thought your blog could not get more entertaining....

Giandrea said...

It's pretty perfect that the guy on the bench had your back with his crack up. maybe that;s a new strategy for you when confronting these loonies-- make sure you do it with ear shot of sensible people.

Watts Family said...

was I with you when that happened??? I slightly remember a lady ducking for cover when Ben strolled by her.... not even remotely close by the way. It was like Ben carried the same weight as an 18 wheeler coming at her, full speed.

Rhonda Riley said...

I broke my foot once...let me know when you bring the kiddies to SoCal :) Ha! I predict your boys will be doctors 'setting' her bones someday :)

Britty said...

Ash, i love these stories, it's a much different world out her in Gilbert, AZ!